The Friends intend to explore different themes. Concerts may be choral or instrumental and we will try to cover the gender of styles that can be presented in the open.
Normally performances will be on Sunday afternoons to allow the audience an opportunity to picnic. No seats are provided. Please bring your own or blankets as the grass audience area may be damp. Likewise protection from the sun should be considered.
Concert details are advertised by poster throughout the area, in the Kimberley & Eastwood Advertiser and in various festival brochures, e.g. Eastwood Arts Festival, DH Lawrence Festival.
You may enrol on our email notification list for all FoCW and Broxtowe BC events at Colliers Wood.
Eastwood Collieries Male Voice Choir perform the inaugral concert
the Major Oak Chorus barbershop choir perform the 2009 Eastwood Arts Festival picnic concert

The Special Blend Quartet move through the audience charming and thrilling with light-hearted renditions to family groups.

These images were created by Reg Lowe, chairman of Eastwood Photographic Society. The FoCW thank him for his permission to use them.

Magic Tree, an entertainment for children with an environmental awareness message. Building on the traditional ‘Punch & Judy’ theme, with the help of his pixie, the Magician’s interactive approach captivated and engaged with all of the children (and their ‘young at heart’ parents).