Colliers Wood Dog Show
Our first community event to become regular, it is held on the First Sunday of August.
A popular event with families and people of all ages. Held under Kennel Club rules, it has four breed classes and eighteen novelty classes. Entry to the showground is free. A small charge is made for class entries.
The show may include an obedience demonstration and occasionally other demonstrations including ‘dancing with dogs’. FoCW arrange a game to add interest and there are appropriate stalls to further entertain. Refreshments are available from ‘Tasty Treats’, who cater for a summer event and Prizio’s splendid Italian ice-cream and cool drinks add that extra taste.
All levels of the Friends ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ certification scheme are tested at the show. This is a challenge for conscientious owners whose skills can be measured against a progressive learning program. Click here to transfer to the Responsible Dog Ownership page.
2019 Fun Dog Show
The show this year is on Sunday, 4th August.
Registration commences at 11.00pm.
Judging commences at midday. Mr and Mrs Bennett are our judges.
The combined schedule and registration form can be downloaded by clicking here.
All levels of the Friends ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ certification scheme are tested at the show. This is a challenge for conscientious owners whose skills can be measured against a progressive learning program. Click here to transfer to the Responsible Dog Ownership page.
2018 Companion Dog Show
The show this year is on Sunday, 5th August.
Registration commences at 11.00pm.
Judging commences at midday. Mr Paul Bennett is our judge.
The schedule and registration form can be downloaded by clicking here.
2017 Companion Dog Show Winners
Best in Show
Gayle Tebutt with Golden Retriever, Jimmy Grimble
Reserve Best in Show
Northern Inuit, Thor
AV Puppy
Christine Brooks with Cotoki de Tuleal, Doris
AV Sporting
Gayle Tebutt with Golden Retriever, Jimmy Grimble
AV Non Sporting
Northern Inuit, Thor
AV Open
David Thornley with Border Collie, Reby
Best of Novelties
Jackie de Jong with Border Collie, Ziva OR Jenna Henshaw with White Swiss Shepherd, Hemi
Best Child Hander
Clair with Pomeranion, Boo-Boo
Best Veteran
Mrs D McCulloch with Golden Retriever, Ellie
Best Adult Cross Breed
Gillian Halford showing Mabel
Most Appealing Eyes
P Braddock with Irish Setter, Bertie
Best Expression
Jackie de Jong with Border Collie, Ziva
Prettiest Bitch
Gillian Halford showing Mabel
Handsomest Dog
Jenna Henshaw with White Swiss Shepherd, Hemi
Waggiest Tail
C Edwards with Cocker Spaniel, Mable
Best Rescue
Karen & Scott Wood with Greyhound, Florence
Best Six Legs
David Thornley with Border Collie, Reby
Best Familiy of Dogs
Robyn Gee with Chihuahua, Clover and Co
Best Long Coated Dog or Bitch
Wendy Shelley with Lhasa Apso, Tommy
Best Short Coated Dog or Bitch
Aimee Lister with SBT, Rudi
Best Dog or Bitch Up To 18”
Heather with Shihtsu, Millie
Best Dog or Bitch Over 18”
Sarah Horker with Rottwieler, M
Best Condition Companion Dog
David Thornley showing Reby
Best Condition Non-Companion Dog
P Braddock with Border Collie, Billy
Dog or Bitch Judge Would Like to Take Home
Henry Walker’s Cockapoo