As the site slowly matures there is an increasing number of environmental maintenance tasks required. This provides an opportunity for people who prefer a more energetic activity. Work tasks include removal of invasive species, removal of secondary growth from copses, habitat creation, ditch/stream cleaning and remedial works. Litter picking is arranged less frequently now, following Broxtowe’s revision to their litter removal program. However, occasional events are held to remove accumulated material from amongst the trees.
Quarterly maintenance mornings are programmed. Additional ad-hoc maintenance events are arranged as required and to avoid other site events.
We recommend that you ensure you have appropriate footwear and suitable tough clothing that may get damaged. For some tasks, gloves and eye protection are necessary. Care should be taken when ragwort is being removed as all parts of the plant have potential health risks. We use grabs for litter picking work and disposable bags are provided for materials that require removal from site and incineration.

BTCV also carry out environmental maintenance work at the site. They offer the opportunity to join in their activities and they provide supervision and on site instruction to volunteers. Their long standing experience ensures that they make the most of your own inherent skills. Their volunteers tend to be highly motivated and welcoming.