Scarecrow Display

In 2014 the Greasley Gathering committee invited the FoCW to become involved with this parish wide event. It was proposed that we supported the Moorgreen Residents Association well established initiative of displaying scarecrows.
This concept was welcomed by the Friends. It provided the opportunity for a wide age range of children to display initiative and imagination with the reward of having their work admired by the many diverse site visitors.
Our first display had the theme of Treasure Island. School children and members of uniformed groups crafted a range of characters that astonished visitors with the artistic and practical skills that were so evident, even from the very young children.
The FoCW intend to continue with this event annually. We hope to extend participation to more youth organisations, company apprentices and individual families. Each year will have a different theme.
This years event and the event sheet are shown below. Please contact the FoCW if you wish to participate, at least two weeks prior to the event date. Friends need to plan the display area and prepare the holes.
2015 Scarecrow Event
The theme this year is Alice in Wonderland
The event date is Monday 25th May
If you wish to participate with a scarecrow, down load the event sheet details by clicking here.
Environmental Awareness

Active support from BBC Radio Nottingham staff and Blue Balloon Club literature helped to make the event very successful.
The Broxtowe DUATHLON
Broxtowe Sport introduced this event in October 2010. It was fully subscribed well before the event date. One hundred and forty competitors, along with a large number of family and friends in support, assembled on a misty autumn morning awaiting the 9.00am start.
There was two races, the Duathlon Event and the Duathlon Challenge Event. The latter was double the length of the former in each of the three stages, run, cycle, run. Most of the competitors chose the harder Challenge race.
Organisation at site and along the longer run route and the cycle route was excellent, with abundant marshals and police control of traffic along the B600 road. Competitors were generous in praising this organisation, the environs used and the selection of running surfaces. Many had travelled considerable distances to attend,(from such as Sheffield and Lincoln,) and this was their first visit to the site. Their warm appreciation of the site was welcomed.
After a further two events, each larger than the previous year,the Friends hope that this will continue as an annual event. It has introduced a new activity to Colliers Wood and supports the healthier lifestyle that FoCW encourage.
Wildflower Planting
Silent Auction
Held to raise funds for specific project costs. We intend to make this event bi-annual. Each event will be listed on the EVENTS home page schedule and be advertised by posters.
First held in 2013 to help with the cost of purchasing our storage container, this was a significant success with many people supporting the event.
Table Top Sales
Table-top sales are held to raise funds to cover group running costs. They are irregular. Events will be listed on the EVENTS home page schedule and be advertised by posters.
Up to 2013, they constituted our major source of funds. An annual sale took place on the second of the October school half-term holiday Saturdays. At some future time, this may be reinstated
Held at Dora Phillips Hall, Wood Street in the centre of Eastwood, (adjacent the market place). A wide range of home made products including cakes, jams, chutney, and cards, plus, clothing and fashion jewellery bargains and household goods were available. Fun games, refreshments and a lottery added to the pleasure of attending.
Car-boot Sales
Primary purpose of this activity is fund raising. The car park area is utilised.
Events are advertised in the Eastwood and Kimberley Advertiser and with fliers and posters in the areas shops.